Barrie - Dig


Following a brilliant one, it’s been an equally tough week in music this time around. We’re fully satisfied with Destroyer’s Labrynthitis. And Barrie’s Barbara has kept us more than content, but after hours of tirelessly “nexting” through streams, we feel like we’re back at square one with nothing to show for it besides a handful of “maybes.” So, instead of forcing material on the blog that doesn’t quite meet our standards, we’re going to post another favorite from Barrie’s exceptional sophomore LP. It feels like we’re still getting to know Barrie, the artist - including all her quirky mannerisms and idiosyncrasies. This stage of fanhood doesn’t last long, though - so it’s important to cherish it. “Dig” is a wholesome, playful, and unsuspectingly touching song that’s made a perfect home at track number 5 of what' we’re already hailing as one of the best records of 2022.


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