PLEASE READ: At Lower Frequencies, our sole interest is promoting new music that we love. In order to successfully promote bands, we frequently provide download links in addition to streaming. We make every effort to verify the legality of the links we provide and we do assume that we are not in error when we post these links. However, if you are an artist (or you represent an artist) and would like anything we have posted to be removed or changed, please contact us using the form below. The content will be removed immediately.
For Submissions: Use the form below to contact us about music you would like to see on Lower Frequencies. We check our emails frequently, so you will be sure to get a response typically within 24 hours. Provide the artist, the song name, and a song link. All genres are acceptable, but keep in mind that we are more likely to post something that goes well with our site.
All automated “Email List” emails will be immediately ignored.