Abby Sage - Force of Habit


Abby Sage’s “Force of Habit” features a stylistic approach involving layering that you’ll find her to use, rather habitually, throughout her catalog. In the case of “Force of Habit,” it opens with a quick tease of glitchy vocal sampling and a spacey guitar riff before proceeding into the first verse. Your next fateful meeting with said vocal sample comes at the first refrain, where it acts as one of a few textural components that work in tandem to keep you in competing states of discomfort and curiosity. Next comes the introduction of a melancholy piano melody that’s got you feeling the same way as you did when you first heard Counting Crows’ “Colorblind” during the legendary Cruel Intentions escalator scene. And, to bring things full circle as her creative vision comes to fruition, you hear that lush guitar riff from the first act nestle itself in the last open slot of mix space in the left pan. With her first single since her Fears of Yours & Mine EP being an excellent one, the stage is set for a promising 2022 for this L.A.-based singer/songwriter.


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