Brimheim - hurting me for fun
Brimheim’s “hurting me for fun” is more than just a song. It’s an anthem. It’s a moment in time - suspended in dark matter. It’s a heartfelt journey into all the experiences and memories that make us uniquely human. And it’s a character study into the driving forces behind Brimheim, aka Helena Heinesen Rebensdorff’s, sonic makeup. This Copenhagen-based artist is new on the scene, but her debut LP can’t hurt myself into a different shape is as polished and mature as it gets. The reservoir of emotions “hurting me for fun” taps into seems endless, but what magnifies this powerful track even further is the production value behind it. Throughout the record, she and producer Søren Buhl Lassen rely on some creative reverb automation, particularly on the vocals, to amplify the point(s) they’re trying to convey. And they take it one step further on “hurting me for fun,” as they close out the song, and the album, with an absolute bang using some crushing distortion and a quick window of deep house sidechain pumping before a final moment of clarity. It’s the instance of coming across these sorts of goosebump-inducing moments (also know as frisson) that make the often-exhausting job of music curation and discovery more than worth it.