Anaïs Mitchell - Watershed
Anais Mitchell is one-of-a-kind. No one makes music like her, but that doesn’t mean we can’t convey our point with a few apt comparisons. She’s got the poignant lyrics of Phoebe Bridgers, the sentimental charisma of Damien Rice, the unbounding authenticity of Destroyer, and the legendary folk status of Bon Iver. If that ringing endorsement doesn’t convince a newcomer to begin their journey down Mitchell's transfixing catalogue, nothing will. And looking back on that catalogue, it’s one we’ve grown up to. And, coincidentally, some of her songs have grown up, too. “Now You Know,” formerly featured on her compilation record Xoa, received quite the full-band makeover from its original, acoustic upbringing. You’ll find that tune alongside nine others on her brand-new, self-titled album - which we’re crowning as the first exceptional record of 2022. It was hard to choose just one song to feature here, but we’re going with the closer, “Watershed.” It’s an elegant and touching tune, powered by a grand piano melody and Mitchell’s heartfelt lyrics that weave tell a tale of hardship, adversity, and human resilience.