The ACBs - Be Professional


On this edition of Flashback Friday, we are reflecting on another incredible and overlooked song that’s near-and-dear to our hearts. “Be Professional” from Kansas City outfit The ACBs is a truly one-of-a-kind track. From our listening perspective, it’s a tune that feels like it could have only been made in the exact time and place that it was - no sooner, no later, and never to be recreated. We could be completely wrong about how the events transpired, but we envision “Be Professional” as one of those “epiphany” songs, whose unlikely conception is the result of a few key stars aligning at just the right moment. And the end result is something organic, wholesome, and exactly what we needed at that fateful time in our lives.


LORA - bittersweet


Goth Babe - Driving South (feat. Blood Cultures)