Softcult - House of Mirrors
Softcult’s sound is too eclectic and dynamic to relegate them as simply an alt-rock outfit. The songs on their new Year of the Snake EP range from grunge rock to, in the case of today’s featured track “House of Mirrors,” a style a little closer to shoegaze than anything else. But, like we said before, you’ll find elements from a variety of different genres and musical influences in their work if you listen close enough. “House of Mirrors” provides the listener with a resounding, all-encompassing sound of distorted guitar and ethereal vocals that’s reminiscent of vintage my bloody valentine - with perhaps a more modernized production touch. By the looks of it, Softcult has already garnered some noteworthy critical acclaim for their sophomore EP, and once their compelling sound reaches a wider audience, the sky is seemingly the limit for this up-and-coming Canadian duo.