Nilüfer Yanya - midnight sun


“midnight sun” by English singer/songwriter Nilüfer Yanya is a challenging listen. And if you’re looking for the feel-good track of the year, you might want to look elsewhere. Kind of like the feeling you used to get watching a Breaking Bad season finale, “midnight sun” elicits a similar feeling of near-visceral discomfort - and yet you’re left wanting more. This enchantingly somber tune breaks the mold of what we’re traditionally used to in the indie rock genre, and if you’re like us, it’s not one that will sound fully “accessible” at first. Only on the third, fourth, fifth listens, preceded by a necessary pallet cleansing session of shameless, indulgently superficial pop, did this track fully resonate with us. Her new record, Painless, is out 3/4/22.


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