Destroyer - June


Let’s get the most important thing out of the way first: Destroyer’s Kaputt is a masterpiece. If you haven’t listened to it, then I suggest you stop what you’re doing and dive right in. Dan Bejar’s experimental, adventuristic nature wasn’t necessarily going to allow him to continue with the same formula just because it works - but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been longing for a sound that resembled Kaputt since the decade or so it was released. That is until Destroyer released his newest single “June,” off his upcoming Labyrinthitis LP - and it’s exactly what I needed to fill that aforementioned void. It’s actually more like two songs in one, with the opening half sounding stylistically similar to “Kaputt” (the song) before a stark shift into a sound that’s completely wild, unconventional, and absolutely necessary. Initiated by a basic plucky guitar riff, Bejar produces an ever-evolving melody of pads, guitars, and swirling vocals that vibes with every chemical building block in my body. And honestly, that’s all I can say before concluding that you’ve just sort of got to hear it to believe it.


Dora Jar - It’s Random


LORA - bittersweet