Child Actor - I Will Be


It’s Flashback Friday. Today, we’re reflecting on another old favorite that never got the recognition it deserved. Child Actor’s Victory LP is one that, along with the likes of Purity Ring and Young Wonder, took us on an eye-opening journey through a new and previously unexplored realm of pop. We also credit Victory for getting our own creative wheels spinning - which in turn ended up manifesting as our own Beast Coast moniker. To this day, there’s simply no song out there like “I Will Be.” I have to imagine it was the result of a truly carefree, “anything goes” flow that didn’t let traditional conventions or norms bog down the creative process. And that refrain full of side chain pumping synths and vocal harmonies - it’s as mesmerizing, transfixing, and frisson-inducing as any moment in recent or distant musical memory. And coming across a song like this, one that so profoundly impacts your existence and trajectory, validates all the grueling past and future hours spent in search of that next elusive unicorn like “I Will Be.”


Quinn Christopherson - 2005


iamamiwhoami - Canyon (with Lars Winnnerbäck)