Benny Bellson - Glass of Time


Benny Bellson’s “Glass of Time” is unbelievably refreshing. It manages to spin a mainstream, regurgitated sound into something authentic and clean. I can’t emphasize how challenging that task is when caricatures masquerading as musicians, like BoyWithUke and Milky Chance, have seemingly killed the spirit of this respective genre. Bellson’s “Glass of Time” starts out in almost identical fashion to Weezer’s “Say It Ain’t So,” almost as if it’s paying homage to the timeless classic. From there, Bellson forges his own path as he layers his distinct vocal presence on top of itself to create one of the more unique harmonic soundscapes we’ve heard in a while. And if we had to use one term to describe this song, it’s just that: unique. But setting yourself apart from the rest is only half the battle in this day-and-age. You’ve got to sound good while you’re at it - and “Glass of Time” exceeds every expectation on that front, as well. So much so, that if you could invest in artists the same way you could stocks, we’d be cleaning out our bank account to have a stake in this captivating musical prospect.


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