Illuminati Hotties - Protector


Our discovery of Illuminati Hotties wasn’t an especially organic process. Rather, it was more a result of us succumbing to the peer pressure of the seemingly endless array of positive critic reviews of their debut LP Let Me Do One More. In this case, we’re all the better for it, because what we heard was a genre-bending record that pulled no punches and certainly wasn’t afraid to go against the grain. Sarah Tudzin’s had a few years now as Illuminati Hotties to establish her identity as a music producer, but with the eclectic stream of tunes coming from Let Me Do One More as any indicator, you shouldn’t expect her to nestle into one particular category of sound anytime soon. And by the time “Protector” rolls around at track 6, you’ll be more than welcoming of the downshift in pace. If you’re lucky, what transpires for the following 4:32 might leave you feeling as entranced and existentially dilated as we were the first time this gem of a tune graced our headphones.


Hovvdy - True Love


Flight Facilities - Lights Up (feat. Channel Tres)