Florist - River’s Bed


Human beings are predictable creatures. They’re also instinctive. And with this in mind, it’s important to emphasize that you can’t push music on anyone. One step beyond that finnicky threshold - of where the line between suggestion and command blurs - and they’re less inclined to listen than if you were to have never suggested the song at all. It might be easy to get that sort of impression if you’re reading the reviews for Florist’s new S/T LP from last week. But instead of pushing an entire record on you, we’re going to focus on a single song - our favorite song - off what we would confirm is quite an excellent album. Like a few others we’ve reviewed this year, “River’s Bed” was born in the contemporary, but it doesn’t belong here. It’s old soul predates modern technology - but it doesn’t predate modern problems. Outside of the social media conundrum, the human plight by-and-large transcends mere chronological considerations. Which is why this song would resonate both now and then (whenever then is). And while we don’t fully understand its meaning, the underlying themes of death, loss, and existential longing hit hard. Which brings us back full circle - breaking our own rule - and shamelessly calling on you to stop whatever important thing it is you’re doing and check out this excellent new Florist tune.


Stella Donnelly - Flood


The Big Moon - Wide Eyes