Empress Of x Jim-E Stack - Turn The Table


Let’s make something clear: Great production is not always indicative of a great song. In fact, our neurotic tastes would argue that songs that achieve both are few and far between. That’s why Empress Of x Jim-E Stack’s “Turn The Table” stands out. Let’s get the catchy part out of the way, first. It’s, on the most surface of levels, toe-tappingly charming. But then it becomes, as you peel back each layer of analog grittiness, completely entrancing. It’s one tune that requires you to adjust your headphones so your ears nestle comfortably within the cans in order to appreciate every character-building detail and idiosynchronicity. And Jim-E Stack’s contribution to this brilliant tune is anything but subtle. He takes the concept of ear candy to a whole nother level by utilizing some sophisticated filtering techniques and one of our favorite uses of the cowbell since Ian Kirkpatrick’s masterful work on Dua Lipa’s “Pretty Please.” Together, Empress and Stack create quite the formidable duo - with the end result being one of the best songs of 2022.


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