Fearn - Lake Annecy (feat. Lorphe)


The creation process of a song is often just as cathartic as the listening experience. But, it’s different. You’ll spend a matter of minutes digesting what was an endeavor of months, or years, by the creator of said art. When it comes to Fearn’s debut single “Lake Annecy (feat. Lorphe),” I’d be willing to guess the process of creating this dynamic, nuanced, and quite sophisticated tune was as emotionally exhausting as it was rewarding. I’m not going to try and undertake the academic exercise of interpreting and transposing “Lake Annecy” to better understand what was occurring in Fearn’s, AKA Sussex-based producer-songwriter Will Taylor’s head at the time of conception. Instead, by letting whatever feelings resonate as they otherwise would, you end up keeping a piece of the song all to yourself. What’s most fascinating about “Lake Annecy” is something beyond the array of orchestral soundscapes, whimsical melodies, and Lorphe’s lush vocals - it’s something within the arrangement itself. From elegant beginning to bittersweet end, “Lake Annecy” continues to build upon itself - as if it were an ever-evolving lifeform taking on a shape that it could have never anticipated. And when this astounding tune comes to a head, it’s the introduction of those wailing violins that signal to the listener that everything is, in fact, going to be OK.


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